Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Good bits I forgot to put in yesterday's rant ...

I noticed when I was re-reading yesterday's epic that I completely forgot to mention the lovely Dorothy Stiven who I met at the CL Fair - she and I are on the same wavelength completely with regard to our taste and it was amazing to see her stand, which is all unadulterated vintage pieces (unlike mine!). It could have been the antique shop that I used to have up until I started producing the Twice products eighteen months ago. Naturally we got on famously and it turns out that she is often in Scotland, although based in London. Do look at her website and make sure to look her out at the next CL Fair in the Spring.

I also want to bring to your attention the completely delicious Christmas wreaths that Jane at Snapdragon is doing - I have put in an immediate order! I really think they are the happiest I've seen. Jane - I tried to nick a photo to put here, but Blogger is being beastly and I can't make it work.

The links to Dorothy and Jane are both on the right -



Pipany said...

Hello Caroline and thanks so much for your really helpful comments on my blog yesterday. I have decided to go ahead (have paid the money now!!!) with NOTHS; I think the 5yr deal felt too good an opportunity to give up. I really appreciated your advice and also Jane's. It's the insider info that makes a difference. I hope we can continue to keep in touch and I LOVE your things! Just gorgeous.
Pipany xx

Twice said...

Pleasure! Good luck - really hope it works for you.

Caroline x

Jane said...

Thanks for the link - still without much of a voice today - saving it for a Fair tomorrow but will give you a call next week,