I had always longed to have a hound and when we moved to Scotland four years ago I was determined to make it happen. Initially I wanted a wolfhound but when I was researching it I came upon a bit of information that said that a wolfhound in full flight 'cannot be expected to differentiate between a rabbit and a small white terrier'. As we are also mad keen Lucas owners this was a non-starter and so we went the deerhound route - much more fitting anyway since they are the Scottish dog - and have never regretted it. They are an absolutely joy to live with - so gentle, so elegant.
Tracy - I will watch with interest to see how McDog's training goes - I'm not sure training is possible with these boys! Flinty has just discovered how to fly over fences (I was advised early on in my deerhound career never to let him know he can jump which worked for a while) and he will now just look at us over his shoulder and then pop over fences and off for miles. Sadly for him this now means he's on a lead alot of the time - but when he's let off and picks up speed it is quite something to see.
oh my!!!!!
i had no idea you were owned by a Deerhound x
more pictures of Flint needed!
we are also owned by two blue
Whippet girls and in two weeks we will be collecting our third whippy.....(oddly the name pebble has made it to our shortlist!)
Scotland does strange things to you - we never thought we would own four dogs!
Ghillie Deerhound will be attending his last puppy class this week - i have to admit training is not going well!!
he has already picked up so many bad habits from the girls - and now you mention flying over fences!!!!
must remember to let Stephen know that the fences have to be taller when we move :)
We have to wait until Ghillie is over a year old before we can see him at full speed - but i agree - watching hounds run is a magical moment x
what a shame we do not live closer - all our dogs on the beach together would be a thing of beauty xx
speak soon
tracy x
I've got some fabulous pictures of Flint and his great friend Ruby on the beach at Tentsmuir last autumn - but they're on a memory stick somewhere. I'll post them when I find them. Mass hound on beach is heaven!
Speak soon.
Caroline x
I am also a great hound fan - my two favourites are both wolfhounds - Finnigan who belonged to a flower customer who moved South and Clancey who sat with her head on my knee on a train journey all the way from Glasgow to Carlisle.
I am such a poor controller of my existing wee dog though, that I just know a hound would end up eating neighbours' sheep which would not go down well at all,
Still I dream.
They are heaven - although I do spend quite alot of time worrying about sheep. We have a neighbour who looked at the hound when he arrived and pronounced "he'll be shot within the year". Luckily, this has thus far been unfounded but, boy, do you have to watch them.
C x
i hate to say that Ghillie is going to have to learn to live with quite a lot of Rare Breed Sheep - he will not be allowed to eat any as the aim is to increase the numbers of these forgotten breeds.
wish us luck!!!!
Jane - you know you want one.......
t x
We're about to get chickens - that should be equally interesting!
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