I am so encouraged by the response that I have now booked some of the autumn workshops/courses. Of our current speakers, Jane Lindsey is coming back to do Christmas flowers and wreaths and the Forage Rangers should be taking us mushrooming (yummy!). We're adding a great new course, which will be called something like Winetasting for Beginners, with Nicola Arcedeckne-Butler, who is one of the few female Master of Wines in the country. I'm sure this will be a great day - Nicola will point people in the right direction with 8 or 10 different types of wine. And I'm also talking to Jeremy Gow of Gow Antiques who gives talks around the country on recognising and restoring antiques - the Fraud Squad go to Jeremy's talks! This will be great for anyone like me who walks into an auction house and is just not quite sure whether what they're looking at is what it says it is! I don't think we can teach people everything in a day, but we can certainly add to their understanding.
Just need to get cookery covered and then we've got another fantastic line-up!
If you think you're not on our mailing list for the courses, do email me with your name and address at info@thetwiceshop.co.uk and I'll make sure you get details - and if you want to book a place on any of the courses click here.
The courses sound a fantastic idea Caroline; just read about them on Jane's blog and realised I hadn't popped over for a bit.
Have just had a lovely catch up and it is amazing how many things rang true for me too - Cornwall may as well be Scotland in regards to feeling out on a limb sometimes and the bit about feeling great /on the right track one minute and then finding no orders the next is just brilliantly put. Will definitely be back regularly. xx
I'm assuming that Joa had something to do with the F&B colour "Joa's White"?
The autumn courses look like they are shaping up well,
Pipany - sorry I haven't responded to your kind message earlier - don't know where the week's gone! I think that my experiences running a small rural business will resonate with alot of people in the countryside. One of the best things about it though is hearing from like minded souls and realising how many great people there are out there.
Jane - Good detective work! Yes, Joa's White is named after our Joa.
Courses all looking good which is great news.
x C
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